Milwaukee MA885 Digitalt Refraktometer

MA885 digitalt refraktometer med ATC (Automatic Temperature Compensation) for måling av %Brix og °Oechsle (SG) for vin og vørter. Gir presist resultat på kun 1,5 sekund.

PrisNOK2 198,00 inkl. mva.
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Digitalt refraktometer

The MA885 is an optical instrument based on the measurement of the refractive index of a solution. The measurement of refractive index is simple and quick and provides an accepted method for sugar content analysis.
Samples are measured after a simple user calibration with deionized or distilled water.

The instrument utilizes internationally recognized references for unit conversion and temperature compensation.


0 to 50% Brix
0 to 230°Oechsle (SG 1.000 - 1.230)
0 to 42 °KMW
0 to 80°C / 32 a 175°F


0.1% Brix 
0.1 °Oechsle 
0.1 °KMW 
0.1°C / 0.1°F

Accuracy ±0.2% Brix 
±0.2 °KMW
±0.3°C / ±0.5°F
Light Source Yellow LED
Measurements Time Approximately 1.5 seconds
Minimum Sample Volume 100 µL (cover prism totally)
Sample Cell SS ring and flint glass prism
Temperature Compensation Automatic between 10 and 40°C / 50 to 104°F
Case Material ABS
Battery Type 1 x 9V AA (included)
Battery Life 5000 readingS
Auto-shut off after 3 minutes of non-use
Dimensions 192 x 102 x 67 mm
Weight 420 g

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