Cafe Light Malt (250 EBC) 100G - Castle Malting

Castle Malting. Pris per 100g. Ved for eksempel 500g, velg 5 stk. Ved 3 kg, velg 30 stk. Ved 25 kg sekk velg 250 stk.

PrisNOK3,30 inkl. mva.
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Castle Malting

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Château Café Light - Castle Malting

Belgian coffee malt. Taste development at up to 200°C.


Château Café Light® malt imparts a nutty and light to reach coffee flavour and aroma to beers, brings in a "coffee" note in Stouts and Porters. Adds a smooth mouthfeel and complexity to any dark ale. Reinforces the colour of the beer.


Stouts, porters, Scottish ale, dark Belgian style beer, slightly in brown ales for hints of fresh roasted coffee. Up to 10% of the mix. 

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