EINBREW 1V1P - Kontroller for HERMS eller RIMS

EINBREW 1V1P er en alt-i-ett kontroller for BIAB, HERMS eller RIMS-oppsett med én eller to kjeler og én pumpe. Programmerbar med inntil 9 meskesteg og 9 humlealarmer. Designet for ett element på inntil 3,6kW (230V, 15A), og egnet for batcher opptil 40-50L

TilbudNOK4 500,00 Førpris:NOK6 490,00 Rabatt -31% inkl. mva.
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Running your brew in a bag, 1 or 2 vessel HERMS or RIMS electric brewery is easy with EINBREW 1V1P. Full brewing cycle management and temperature control.​

The 1V1P lets you program mash step temperatures and times as well as hop insertion times - it precisely controls the complete brewing process for you.

Bespoke electronic controller with process management to help get your brew right every time.

Supports a single 15A heating element and includes connectors for 1 x pump, 1 x element, as well as 1 x temperature probe and lead and power input lead. 


EINBREW EBC offers the best all-in-one control solution for 3-vessel brewing; everything you need to make the greatest beer around.

  • Custom controller lets you setup your brewing recipe before you start, with support for up to 9 mash stages and 9 hop insertions.

  • Compatible with wall or stand mounting so it can be placed at a convenient working height.

  • Automatically controls to your set temperatures, and rests for the time you define. Custom control algorithm helps to prevent overshoot and oscillation.

  • Temperatures and stages times can be adjusted on-the-fly when brewing, if you notice that things need to change. Also manages cooling stage.

  • Includes a temperature measurement probe for your vessel.

  • Comes with all the mains plugs, x1 for the element and x1 for the pump.

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