Historical Brewing Techniques: The Lost Art of Farmhouse Brewing, av Lars Marius Garshol
Ancient brewing traditions and techniques have been passed generation to generation on farms throughout remote areas of northern Europe. With these traditions facing near extinction, author Lars Marius Garshol set out to explore and document the lost art of brewing using traditional local methods.
The world of beer has two parts: modern brewing and farmhouse brewing. Of these, farmhouse brewing is by far the oldest, has had far more brewers, and is much more diverse. But people today know virtually nothing about it.
This book tries to change that by explaining farmhouse brewing techniques. Because these will seem strange, even crazy, to modern drinkers, the book also describes the culture of farmhouse ale, and why these beers are the way they are.
If you want to know more about kveik, raw ale, oven-based brewing, boiling the mash, fermenting in the mash, traditional brewing herbs, keeping your own yeast, or making farmhouse malts, then this is the book for you.
It covers farmhouse brewing in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Russia, Belarus, Georgia, Germany, England, Wales, and Scotland.
- Author: Lars Marius Garshol
- Pages: 432
- Dimensions: 7” x 10”
Utgitt av Brewers Publications.